EMANUELE LISPI STORIES OF ORDINARY ELEGANCE My name is Emanuele and I was born in 1989. I live and work in Umbria, in the same factory where my great grandfather my grandfather and my father lived and worked before me. I am proud of my roots and I try to preserve and improve with my […]


FRANCESCO CARDINALI STORIES OF ORDINARY ELEGANCE Francesco Cardinali was born in Todi on June 9, 1984, Gemelli. I am distinguished by the desire for total freedom and the search for perfection in every detail and in every situation. Work has given me the opportunity to travel the world making me enterprising, curious and with a […]


Stories of ordinary elegance. Plots that speak of people who have chosen the Banderari experience for their tailored dress.

ANTONELLO FIORUCCI STORIES OF ORDINARY ELEGANCE Antonello Fiorucci, 38 years old, married to Maria Laura, fond friend of a dog named Vito. My job is to write innovative projects to solve problems where they exist or seize opportunities otherwise lost. Curious and passionate… I never stop discovering and informing myself about everything that activates the […]


Close-up of Diego Ceccobelli in elegant dress and bow tie Banderari

DIEGO CECCOBELLI STORIES OF ORDINARY ELEGANCE Diego, 33 years old. From at least 10 always with the trolley at hand. Florence, Bologna, Perugia, Treviso, but also Germany, Spain and Sweden. Life so far has given me many adventures around Italy and around the world. So the beauty of contamination. Of every type: cultural, political, food […]


FRANCESCO GIORGINI STORIES OF ORDINARY ELEGANCE I am Francesco and I was born in Terni in 1994. I have a deep sensitivity, tinged with emotion and exasperated feelings. I think I have a strong intuition when I can understand who surrounds me in a fairly precise way, I’m rather touchy and sometimes I happen to […]


Stories of ordinary elegance. Plots that speak of people who have chosen the Banderari experience for their tailored clothes.

GIULIO DE GIORGIS STORIES OF ORDINARY ELEGANCE Giulio De Giorgis, freelancer, graduate in economics. I hide in Terni in 1990 from father of Terni and mother of Manchester, I like to think that the union of two cities famous for the production of steel has helped to form my character. Strong, for better or worse, […]


MANINDER KAUR BEDI STORIES OF ORDINARY ELEGANCE Maninder Kaur Bedi, studentessa in cerca di libertà.Maninder Kaur Bedi, student seeking freedom. Born in a small Indian village called Jaipura in 1999 by both Indian parents. My mother country has given me great experiences from an early age. The long mystical and spiritual journeys in the temples […]


LEONARDO CORPETTI STORIES OF ORDINARY ELEGANCE My name is Leonardo Corpetti, I was born in 1984 and I come from a humble family that taught me the true values of life and to which I owe everything. Since I was a child I have always practiced sports. Starting with competitive swimming for over 10 years […]


SIMONA CECCOBELLI STORIES OF ORDINARY ELEGANCE Nasco in Terni on 16 May 1990 My research : try to expand and maybe lose the borders acknowledge to wander constantly try to have courage, take up space, lighten, without carrying too much weight. Every once in a while I wonder: What do I look like? Where do […]

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