The hosting setup, the woocommerce configuration, the development of the homepage architecture, of the product cards and categories, the revision and insertion of product cards, the purchase procedure configuration and payment gateway setup, activation A/R are implemented thanks to the contribution obtained through the call “Bridge to Digital 2020” of the Umbria Region, from the resources of the POR ERDF 2014-2020 – Axis III Action 3.7.1.
The hosting setup, the woocommerce configuration, the development of the homepage architecture, of the product and category sheets, the revision and insertion of the product sheets, the configuration of the purchase procedure and payment gateway setup, the A / R activation are implemented with the contribution obtained through the Call “Bridge to Digital 2020” of the Regione Umbria, from the resources of the POR FESR 2014-2020 – Asse III Azione 3.7.1.